
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Do What is Biblical

Finding the will of God is not chasing "peace."

Christians (myself included) are guilty of saying things like, "I know it was the will of God because I had a peace about it." This is a poor method of decision making that has been indoctrinated to us by the wave of spiritualism and mysticism in our culture.

We have quit trusting our Bible and, instead, have opted to trust our emotions. We "follow our heart" or search for "feelings of peace." We did not get these methods of decision making from the Bible, they came from our mystic culture. God never promised us that we would feel peaceful in the midst of His plan for our life. I doubt Peter felt peace about being crucified upside-down. I don't think James was at peace when he was thrown from the southeast pinnacle of the temple (over 100 feet high) then beaten to death with a club. It seems that Jesus' sweat drops of blood were a sign that he anguished over the will the Father. 

We can't decipher God's will based on whether we have "peace."  I do not have peace when I try to share the Gospel with a family member who is hostile towards it. I do not have peace when I must approach my sister in Christ about her sin. But, I know these things are the will of God.

So we must use our brains to determine what aligns with the Word of God. We do not trust how we feel. We trust what God has spoken. 

This is an area in which God is growing me. He is teaching me to quit looking for some magical "peace," and instead focus on being obedient to his Word. That also includes KNOWING his word. Godly decisions are made by being so permeated by the Word of God that we think Biblically about everything. 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

We discern God's will by having a renewed mind, and our mind is renewed by Scripture.  We cannot discern the will of God if we think as the world thinks. Our world is feeding us messages of inner peace, relativism, and mystical signs. We must not be conformed to this!

What we feel is "best" is not always Biblical. Obedience requires risk. Obedience is scary. 

So, let us not do "what feels right." Instead, let us read and devour the Word of God. Let us pray and seek Godly counsel.  Let us do what is Biblical, no matter the cost.