
Monday, December 20, 2010

Tough Question

There are some questions that are just tough. And, before you continue reading, let me preface by saying this may be difficult to read for some of you. If you read this and think I sound heartless or heretical, please talk to me privately and I would love to share more in-depth about my thoughts.

Where do infants go when they die? 

What a difficult question this is, and one I had not really wrestled with until experiencing a miscarriage. I wasn't experiencing anguish or anxiety over this question, but it has always been just one of those gray areas in my theology. I always try to remind myself that my theological convictions cannot be defined by what "feels" or "seems" right. So, naturally, I did some research (and still need to do more).  But, I must be honest, I really did not come to a concrete conclusion. I also came across some blogs on the topic. As one said, "Can God save them? I believe He can. Does He? I will not answer that for Him."  However, it was another comment I read that quite literally gave me goosebumps and brought me to tears at the same time. This commenter very eloquently put into words the conclusion (or lack of one) I reached. He said:

"There is little that brings me more joy than thinking of my first child worshiping the risen Christ in heaven. On the other side, there is little that brings me more anguish than thinking of the other alternative........... I do not have a certain answer to the question. I still have not landed on any answer with any certainty. 

What I am certain of, though, is God's ultimate goodness. While I do not understand the particular purpose for the particular death of my child, I do know/trust/believe that God's design is perfect and that Christ will be magnified through it. So, I rejoice that the death of my child was designed to bring about the display of the [Glory] of God. As I stated in the beginning, there is little that brings me more joy than thinking of my first child worshipping the risen Christ in heaven. The one thing that does bring me more joy is the display of the [Glory] of God. "

So, I believe that no matter what the answer may be to this tough question, God is good and will bring Glory to Himself through it. 

And what else really matters?


  1. I really couldn't give any theological advice but have always personally believed that until a child reaches an age (of reason?) that would allow them to mentally/emotionally reject God, then should that child die, he/she would go to heaven. --but that is my personal belief (opinion)

  2. Lisa, I am familiar with this and there are some scriptures that seem to suggest this, though the issue doesn't seem to be answered flat out in the scriptures, it is a matter of inference. However, my main point in writing this blog is that I want to have a heart that trusts God no matter what the answers are and a heart that wants more than anything for God to be glorified. I trust that God gets the Glory and he does what is right and just.
